Renewable Energies

We are committed to a sustainable energy transition positioning the Canaries as a natural reference laboratory to test energy systems. We are working on the specialisation of emerging energies with high potential in our territory, particularly geothermal, offshore wind energy and wave energy.

We develop strategies and technologies aimed at maximising penetration of renewable energies, particularly on insular grids and remote areas, likewise developing regions of Africa via international co-operation projects.

Renewable Energies Department Presentation 

Active bids:

1108/2021 - Suministro, instalación y puesta en marcha de un electrolizador y sus sistemas auxiliares contenerizado, en el marco del proyecto BIOGREENFINERY-HIDRÓGENO VERDE PARA BIOREFINERÍA, con cargo al Fondo de Ayuda a la Recuperación para la cohesión y los territorios de Europa (REACT-EU), financiado por FEDER como parte de la respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19.

0080/2022 - Servicios de diseño, suministro, instalación, montaje en contenedor y puesta en marcha de unidad de generación de amoníaco y sus sistemas auxiliares para Plataforma de Investigación del ITC en Pozo Izquierdo, Proyecto BIOGREENFINERY, con cargo al REACT-EU (Fondos europeos del instrumento Next Generation EU), cofinanciado por FEDER, como parte de la respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19


  • 1997

    First Wind Turbine designed and manufactured in Canary Islands

    First design and manufacture of a synchronous wind turbine at ITC with 20 kW power for coupling to a 20kW diesel turbine with flywheel, in the EODIESEL project

    First Wind Turbine designed an
  • 1998


    Canary Renewable energy company creation and training programme (ADAPT-Renewable)

  • 1998

    Punta Jandía: First wind-diesel electricity plant for isolated areas

    WIND-DIESEL system Punta Jandia project designed to meet the electric and water energy needs of Puertito de la Cruz (Punta Jandía - Fuerteventura).

    Punta Jandía: First wind-dies
  • 1999

    Wind-Hydro Pumped Storage Power Plant in El Hierro: First system in the world for an island electricity supply

    Development of the Gorona del Viento wind-hydro power plant project in El Hierro (Canary Isles). Co-financed by the European Commission General Directorate of Energy and Transport under the European Initiative ‘100% renewable Communities’, the main project action consisted in designing, building and launching a wind-hydro power plant capable of covering approx. 80% of El Hierro island electricity demand.

    Wind-Hydro Pumped Storage Powe
  • 1999

    First domestic solar plants connected to electricity grid in Canary Islands

    First photovoltaic systems connected to electricity grid in Canary Islands was performed in main headquarters ITC (Cebrian). Even today, they continue to pour renewable electricity to main grid.

    First domestic solar plants co
  • 2002

    Co-operation with Mauritania

    Co-operation with Mauritania in creation of a renewable energies, cold and desalination training centre (CRAER) at Nouakchott University

    Co-operation with Mauritania
  • 2002

    Hydrogen Production with Renewable Energies

    First hydrogen production system using renewable energies. First isolated micro network in Spain with H2 energy storage (RES2H2 project)

    Hydrogen Production with Renew
  • 2004

    LABSOL: First Spanish ENAC accredited laboratory for testing solar thermal collectors

    Accredited by ENAC, the LABSOL facilities, located in Pozo Izquierdo, have carried out certification tests on solar thermal collectors since its commissioning, taking advantage of the excellent conditions that site offers for the different collectors tests

    LABSOL: First Spanish ENAC acc
  • 2005

    First Canary solar cooling system

    First Canary solar cooling system (integration of absorption machine with solar thermal energy). ERAMAC I

    First Canary solar cooling sys
  • 2006

    Canary Islands Wind Resource Map

    Development of the Canary Islands Wind Resource Map, to assess wind potential of archipelago from renewable energy sources

    Canary Islands Wind Resource M
  • 2006

    First biodiesel production plant installed in the Canary Islands

    Making use of used vegetable oils to produce biodiesel fostered the design and installation of the first Canary biodiesel production plant to produce optimum quality biodiesel.

    First biodiesel production pla
  • 2010

    La Graciosa Sustainable

    Launching of La Graciosa 100% Sustainable project

    La Graciosa Sustainable
  • 2011

    Cape Verde: rural electrification with small grids

    Wind/solar/diesel-based microgrid with the ability to connect to main electrical grid, developed by Canary Islands companies and ITC, in a village located on the island of Santiago, about 10 kilometers northeast of Praia, with a population of about 650 inhabitants located in 101 buildings: Vale da Custa.

    Cape Verde: rural electrificat
  • 2014

    Gorona del Viento wind-hydro plant inauguration

    Inauguration of El Hierro (Gorona del Viento) wind-hydro plant, the first system of its kind to supply electricity to an island using 100% renewable energy

    Gorona del Viento wind-hydro p
  • 2014

    Takatona II Project

    Project awarded the Special Aquae Islas 2014 Prize in acknowledgement of its contribution to improving the environment in African rural environments, financed by POCTEFEX

    Takatona II Project
  • 2016

    GRACIOSA Project launching

    Launching of the GRACIOSA project on the 8th island for renewable generation with intelligent storage and consumption

    GRACIOSA Project launching
  • 2019

    Startup of La Gomera 100% sustainable project

    Development of La Gomera 100% Sustainable project

    Startup of La Gomera 100% sust
Canary Islands launches its first electric bus powered by green hydrogen

The Canary Islands Institute of Technology, linked to the Canary Islands Regional Government’s Department of Science and Innovation, and the Gran Canaria Council, through the interurban transport concessionary company Global, have launched the first renewable hydrogen fuel cell bus in the Canary Islands, operating on the southeastern route of Gran Canaria

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Renewable Energies

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