We apply information and communication technologies to e-administration and business management projects for Canary public institutions to speed up procedures, improve public services, facilitate citizens’ access to the administration and optimize public agent management. We provide the technological support required by ITC R+D+i deptartments to develop their projects.
We develop software and digital tools aimed at the scope of energy and water resources (solar and wind maps, design of weather forecast systems, installation management, production data, etc.); and biocomputing (management and coding of genetic information of a large volume of species).
We boost the use of virtual and augmented reality technology in R+D projects.
We develop interactive tools, likewise gamification technologies for educational and divulgative purposes regarding scientific knowledge and resources.
We drive the use of ICTs in strategic Canary sectors like tourism and agriculture. We develop software products in the Canaries.
Scientific & Technologic Computing Department Presentation