Our aim is to work for Canary society in addition to becoming a reference body for West African countries, chiefly: Morocco, Senegal, Mauritania and Cape Verde, transferring knowledge and technological capacities, combining any challenge related to our 9 areas of specialisation integrally united and multidisciplined.
Our multidisciplinary nature endows us with greater adaptation capacity in the face of challenges from our customers. We offer a unified perspective of problems from multidiscipline technical areas.
From this integrated unified perspective, our areas of action to render our services to other administrations and companies or society in general are as follows:
Applied Research and Experimental Development
We are committed to technological advance in the Canaries via applied research and experimental development, execution of R+D+i projects and knowledge transfer to the production sector for integration in their activity, thereby contributing to create competitive sustainable economy and generate employment. We lead national and international R+D+I, demonstration, implementation and development projects covering a wide spectrum of knowledge and technologies.
Entrepreneurial Innovation
We foster entrepreneurial innovation and entrepreneuship via support and training actions within regional, national and European collaboration networks. We provide technical support and advice for Canary companies and industries to develop and test innovative technology and adapted solutions. We transfer technological innovations and knowledge to the company fabric for production use via licences and operation rights, likewise spin-offs.
Support for Public Bodies & Institutions
We provide functional support for the Canary public administration in the development of strategic plans and implementation of technological solutions which provide a response to multiple challenges related to information and communication technologies (ICTs), and sustainability
International Co-operation
The geostrategical position of the Canaries, its unique biodiversity, archipelago nature coupled with the ideal conditions as natural technology testing laboratory enables us to undertake international co-operation projects as technological partners with island companies, clusters and business organisations driving the externalisation of our activities and exporting our technological support and scientific-technical training to insular territories and developing countries. Our accumulated knowledge of systems for water and energy supply to isolated settlements makes us a reference body for West African countries, chiefly: Morocco, Senegal, Mauritania and Cape Verde, in hydric resources treatment and reuse, energy planning and electrification using renewable energies.
Training, Outreach & Awareness
We provide environmental awareness and scientific outreach activities in specialisation areas, likewise advanced training in technological questions. We apply our experience accumulated over more than 25 years’ operation in these actions using the contents developed in each of our work areas.
Citizens’ Services
Our relationship with society covers advisory services which together with training, outreach and awareness actions contribute to driving innovations and competences in the population’s new technologies, favouring productive benefit of knowledge generated in out R+D+i areas. In the academic area we contribute to the scientific and technical training of university students and those enrolled in talent and employability promotion programme, in addition to accepting students doing work experience.
- If you would like to know the areas of our activity to render services of all kinds: