The Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias, S.A., meets the application scope of Law 12/2014 of 26th December regarding transparency and access to public information. This Law means legislative development within the scope of the Canaries' Autonomous Community basic State Law 19/2013 of 9th December on transparency and access to public information and good governance, whose aim is to expand and reinforce transparency related to that activity and establish good governance obligations to be met by public managers.
The link to the Transparency Commission web where you can find extensive information regarding its functions and for citizens to lodge complaints before the Commission, should the requester not be granted access to the information request, has been provided.
Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias, S.A., as a Public Trading Company also places this Transparency Portal at the disposal of citizens so they can access public information easily and simply. Said information is distributed among the following scopes: