The Water Framework Directive (WFD, Directive 2000/60/EC), organizes superficial, continental, coastal and subterranean water management to prevent and reduce contamination, fostering its sustainable use, protecting the water medium, improving the situation of aquatic ecosystems and alleviating the effects of flooding and drought.
To this effect the WFD among other things requires member states to maintain and improve the chemical status of water masses, which requires monitorization and assessment of a series of listed substances (priority and preferential), likewise compliance with environmental quality standards (EQS) for each.
The main driver of the MONITOOL project is to respond to the demands of the European Directive to assess the chemical status of transition and coastal waters, enabling the use of positive sampling devices (PSD) in a regulated context improving WFD implementation.
The MONITOOL project (New tools for monitoring the chemical state of transition and coastal waters under the WFD), is co-financed by the European transnational cooperation programme Interreg Atlantic Area 2014-2020 and its consortium is made up of organizations from Ireland, Spain, Portugal, France, the United Kingdom and Italy. Its main purpose is to provide a solid database of dissolved and labile metals in transition and coastal waters to adapt to current EQS (EQS; 0.45 µm filtered), i.e. the correct EQS-DGT for PSDs to assess the chemical state of waters under the WFD.
- Dublin City University (DCU). Irlanda
- Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias (ITC). Canarias. España
- Instituto Portugués do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA). Portugal
- Fundación AZTI. España
- Institut FRancais de Recherche pour lÉxploitation de la Mer (IFREMER). Francia
- Centre for enviroment, fisheries and aquaculture Science (CEFAS). Reino Unido
- University degli Studi di Cagliari (UNICA). Italia
- Universidad Tecnica de Lisboa. Portugal
- Scottish Goverment (MSS). Reino Unido
- Marine Institute Foras Na Mara. Irlanda
- Consejo Insular de Aguas de Gran Canaria (CIAGC). Canarias. España
- Vicenconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias (VMA). Canarias. España
- Scottish Enviroment Protection Agency (SEPA). Reino Unido
- Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA). Irlanda
- Agence Francaise pour la Biodiversité (AF Biodiversité). France
- Agencia Vasca del Agua (URA). España
- Agencia Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA). Portugal
Budget: 2.295.653,98 €
Co-financed by the European transnational cooperation programme Interreg Atlantic Area 2014-2020, through European Regional Development Funds ERDF (85%): 1.951.305,88 €
Main objective:
Adaptation of the EQS for DGTs, enabling their use in assessing the chemical state of water masses under the WFD.
Specific objectives:
- Develop tools to monitor the chemical state of the waters under the WFD.
- Contribute to compliance with European regulations with a view to environment preservation and protection likewise biodiversity
- DGTs to be considered in the regulations as an additional tool in the contamination studies