
Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias, S.A. (ITC) is a public trading company whose sole shareholder is the Autonomous Community of the Canaries incorporated via Decree 139/1992 of the Canary Islands Government on 30th July 1992. The public deed of incorporation was executed on 28th August 1992, since when 25 years have passed and is currently functionally assigned to the regional Ministry of Universities, Science & Innovation and Culture.

ITC activity comes under the fields of Research, Development and Innovation within the regional scope of the Canary Islands. Among its basic purposes is that of inspiring technological advance to improve social environment conditions and quality of life likewise to support integral development of the Canaries carrying out R+D+I related practices and projects.

From barely 10 people in 1992 it now has an average staff of 185 employees in 2019,  distributed throughout the different functional units which make up the organisation structure. Since 2018 this organisation structure has been configured with Top Management and Technological Research, Development & Innovation Area together with resources assigned to both and divided into several functional departments.

The Regional Government considers ITC a key instrument in its contribution to the Canaries economic diversification process regarding both its R+D+i and industrial policies; and as such should continue supporting the Canaries Government in specific areas aimed at promoting R+D+i, likewise the development of new areas in the fields of energy and industry not to mention technology transfer and internationalisation of Canary companies.

Therefore, the ITC must continue advancing in knowledge generation in those fields where the Canaries can add value in relation to other regions such as: renewable energies, water technologies, information technologies and biotechnology as fields which are expected to have important launchings in the short-medium term together with quality employment generation. Furthermore, ITC must concentrate this knowledge generation in industrial fabric fostering the creation and consolidation of technology based companies likewise the internationalisation of the same.



To achieve their goals ITC has their HQ in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (C/ Cebrián, 3), where the administrative structure is located; their research centre in Pozo Izquierdo (Santa Lucía de Tirajana - Gran Canaria), and their work centre in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Plaza de Sixto Machado, 3). Moreover, via agreement with other public Canary bodies, it manages the Technological Innovation & Update Centre (CIATEC) likewise the Canaries Phytosanitary Waste Laboratory in the Arinaga Industrial Polygon, both in the town of Agüimes (Gran Canaria).

The specific location of these installations and departments contained therein are as follows:


ITC Business HQ: The company administration and management execution

Located here are:

  • Top Management.
  • Administrative-Economy Department
  • Asset Management Department
  • Legal Department
  • Personnel Department
  • Computer & Communications Department
  • Personnel assigned to other departments such as: Scientific Computation & Technology Department, Innovation Department, Information Society Department, Institutional & Metrology Services Department; and Project Office

Address: c/ Cebrián, 3 - 5ª y 6ª Planta - 35003 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Gran Canaria

Tel: (+34) 928 379 900


Pozo Izquierdo HQ: Experimental development centre where a large part of the body’s Research & Development activity is done.

Located at Playa de Pozo Izquierdo, on the south-east coast of Gran Canaria, it has open spaces for project implementation, as well as areas to house laboratories, technical offices and experimental space.

Locate here are:

  • Water Department
  • Biotechnology Department
  • Renewable Energies Department
  • Institutional & Metrology Services Department
  • Personnel assigned to other departments such as: Scientific Computation & Technology Department, Innovation Department, Information Society Department, Institutional & Metrology Services Department; and Project Office.

Address: Playa de Pozo Izquierdo, s/n - 35119 Santa Lucía - Gran Canaria

Tel: (+34) 928 727 500


ENAC accredited Canary Islands Phytosanitary Waste Laboratory 

Located here is the Environment Analysis Department responsible for laboratory management and operation.

Address: C/ Los Cactus nº 68 - Polígono Industrial de Arinaga - Agüimes - Gran Canaria

Tel:  (+34) 928 727 632


Technological Update & Innovation Centre (Ciatec) of Agüimes:

The Biomedical Engineering Department does their work here, sharing the building with other bodies.

Address: C/ Añepa, Esquina Tigotán - Polígono Industrial de Arinaga - Agüimes - Gran Canaria

Tel: (+34) 928 189 960


Tenerife HQ,  Plaza de Sixto Machado nº 3, CP: 38009, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Located here are:

  • The Innovation Department
  • The Information Society Department
  • Personnel assigned to the: Administrative-Economy, Asset Management, Personnel and Computation & Communications Departments, likewise the Biomedical Engineering Department.

Address: Plaza de Sixto Machado nº 3 - 38009 Santa Cruz de Tenerife -  Tenerife

Tel: (+34) 922 568 900


Business Articles

The latest company business articles are included in the merger due to absorption of companies deed dated 6th March 2002, subsequently amended by the equity increase deed of 20th March 2003, increase of the business purpose of 19th August 2008 and amendment of the business purpose of the business articles consisting of adapting ITC action as the personified medium of the Autonomous Community of the Canaries Public Administration and the bodies linked to dependent on the same to new legal regulations.

The Company Business Purpose to carry out the following activities:

  1. Those activities involving technological advance via research and development processes, likewise driving and co-ordinating research applied to the Canaries.
  2. Boost the development of the Community production system; foster the level of the Community entrepreneurial training; fostering and facilitating technology creation, development and assimilation by Canary companies to improve competitiveness; support those activities of technological and entrepreneurial development with greatest strategic importance in developing the community production system besides applying this technology to the economic model generating greater growth and social well-being.
  3. Render all kinds of technological assistance to the Community businesses, likewise commercialisation of products derived from research and development projects tackled and generated by this Institute.
  4. Participate in other companies with analogous purpose for the development of this company, the purchase and/or lease of properties and buildings, lands and plots for commercial and industrial uses, equipment and installations, likewise contracting works, supplies and necessary outsourced services to execute the Company business purpose.
  5. Boost co-operation programmes with national and supranational institutions in research and development for application in the scope of Canary companies, likewise the creation and participation in specific Technological Institutes which develop priority areas for the Community.
  6. Act as the personified medium of the Autonomous Community of The Canaries Public Administration and bodies linked to or dependent on the same, with this company having to carry out the orders they place with it in relation to its respective competences, functions and matters which make up its business purpose pursuant to that foreseen in art. 32 of Law 9/2017, of 8th November on Public Sector Contracts which transposes the European Parliament and Council Directives 2014/23/EU and 2014/24/EU of 26th February 2014 or regulations replacing the same on Spanish legislation.

The legal regime of these orders is administrative; therefore, they will be governed by current legislation at any given time, applicable to the personified media.

The Company may not take part in public tenders called by the Autonomous Community of the Canaries, without prejudice to undertaking the execution of the same in the event no tenderer concurs.

The Deed of the business purpose amendment can be accessed clicking: Documentation



Equity is set at TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED AND TWELVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE EUROS EIGHTY CENTS (€2,512,221.80) fully subscribed and paid-up, divided and represented by FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (4,180) ordinary nominal shares of a single series of SIX HUNDRED EUROS ONE CENT (601.01 EUROS) as the face value of each, and numbered correlatively from ONE (1) to FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (4,180) inclusive.

The Deed of equity increase can be accessed clicking: Documentation



Update Date: December 31th, 2019.
Frequency: Every time regulations are updated.
Information type: Institutional.

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